Submit an idea
Please send us your ideas and feedback
Your ideas and feedback are the driving force behind our innovation. When you talk. We listen. It is the only way we can ensure our developments continue to be market and customer focussed. We don’t design products for ourselves. We design them for you; so please tell us what you want.

Your local innovation contact
If you have ideas for new or improved products, please get in touch with your local Leviat innovation representative:
Andreas Boomkamp
National Technical Manager
(Australia and New Zealand)
T: +61 (0) 437 027 594
Your Problems. Our Solutions.
At Leviat, we pride ourselves in our ability to think through customer problems and develop new solutions that are not only effective, but practical - making the job easier, quicker or safer to do – often breaking new ground along the way.
Our innovative thinking has led to developments that are now changing the way that buildings are designed and constructed - from narrow lifting anchors for thin 120mm wide precast panels to a revolutionary lockable dowel system that is accelerating the build of post-tensioned concrete frames worldwide.
Collaborative Partnerships

We have a knack of spotting good ideas and a proven track record of turning them into reality. We successfully launch a number of new products each year. Some are developed in-house by our team of dedicated development engineers and others are brought to us by third-parties.
Get in touch with us if you have an idea and are looking for a strong highly-specified brand with a wide distribution network to bring it to market.
Contact Andreas Boomkamp, National Technical Manager (Australia and New Zealand), on
Efficient Innovation Process
Leviat's established and proven innovation process ensures all ideas are given full consideration, and if approved for development, that they are allocated adequate resources to ensure new and improved products are engineered and launched with minimal delay.
Idea Ownership and Protection
Leviat has a number of ideas on the table at any one time. It is possible that your idea may be similar to others that we are already considering or developing and we want to avoid any misunderstanding around ownership.
You should only submit non-confidential information to us. We recommend that you first protect your idea with a patent application or other intellectual property right if you wish to maintain control.
Unprotected ideas and suggestions are readily accepted by Leviat, however, unless an idea carries intellectual property protection it is assumed that your submission has been freely volunteered to us and that you are forfeiting any rights to it.
Call Andreas Boomkamp on +61 (0) 437 027 594 to discuss any concerns you may have before sending your submission.
Latest News
Ancon 500 Tension System renamed to Halfen Detan-D
As a future-oriented, innovative company, Leviat focuses on the ever-changing requirements of the industry, and our latest development combines the portfolio of Ancon and Halfen Tension Systems to ensure we meet the individual requirements of our customers.
ICC-ES Appraisal Report Issued to Leviat
We are excited to announce the ICC Evaluation Service (ICC-ES) has issued the first appraisal report in New Zealand to Leviat for Halfen HZA Anchor Channels and HZS Channel Bolts.