Continuous Angle Support
Continuous Angle Support

Ancon CFA is a continuous shelf angle, suitable for applications where cavities are small or there is a requirement for the cavity to be closed at the support position. The angles are cold formed and will normally be supplied in lengths of up to 4 metres. These systems can carry over 8 metres of brickwork and accommodate various cavity widths.
For many applications, particularly where large cavities are involved, the Ancon MDC System may prove to be a more economical solution.
Details for Specification and Ordering
Ancon CFA Systems are tailored to suit each job, based on the cavity size at the support and the load to be carried. We will design the most economical system. Specification is as follows:
CFA/type/cavity/masonry load
e.g. CFA / I / 30 / 6.0
We will design a system with an inverted angle to suit a 30mm cavity and carry 6.0kN/metre run of masonry.
CFA Standard system
CFA/I Inverted system with the support angle at the top
Some applications demand that the support leg is below the soffit of the structure. Where this is no more than 75mm, this can be specified as a suffix to the standard reference by . . . . . . D drop.
CFA/cavity/masonry load/drop
e.g CFA / 30 / 5.6 / D 50
We will design a standard system to suit a 30mm cavity, carry a load of 5.6kN/m, with an angle drop of 50mm.

Fabricated Angles
Many features will need special design attention, especially if double skin brickwork is to be supported. Fabricated angles with stiffeners, used in conjunction with a MDC system for adjacent single skin brickwork, is often the best solution.
Curved Shelf Angles
Curved shelf angles can be supplied for arches or other applications.
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